Mah Jongg Tile Set Description This File : SILUETS.TXT Tile Set Name : SILUETS.TIL Subject : A few silhouettes. Date : July 10, 1993 Created by : Tom Boothby 2202 SE Tenino Portland, OR 97202 (503) 238 1443 Description: This tile set follows, generally, the format of the original Mah Jongg set: three suits, with a windmill finishing each; the four squires and two sets of of wild cards. I started this set and called it CAMEOS but it soon went beyond this so I just changed the name. I still think cameos would make interesting tiles. I never fail, it seems, for inspiration. I find it all around me. I frequently feel bad that my ability can't catch up to my inspiration but I don't sit around all gloomy because the idea I had has not worked as my first visualization of it. This is such a satisfying endeavor for a person of my limited talents and I can see improvement at frequent intervals. What more is there? Once again I believe the game is enough fun and difficult enough so that I try to make each tile as different from the others as possible. Note also that I have rounded the tile corners and given the left side and bottom different colors. This is for me, but you can use the idea if you like it. Please share my work with others and yours and others' work with me. Suit: Sir Suit: Lady Suit: Mistress 1-9 11-19 21-29 Windmill 10 Windmill 20 Windmill 30 Wild Cards: Wild Cards: 31) Squire 35-38 La Mancha Man 39-42 Loyal Sidekick 32) Squire 33) Squire 34) Squire Thank you Nels Anderson